When using funds for charitable purposes, it pays off to look for optimal solutions. This benefits not only the people in need but
also the donors themselves.

As an umbrella foundation, the Limmat Foundations offers donors tailor-made solutions. Based on its long and varied experience, it is happy to show interested parties the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

  • Adapted structure: Simple donation, establishment of an earmarked fund, a sub-foundation, an independent foundation, search for an alternative legal form.
  • Purpose: The purpose must be chosen with particular care. Securing the purpose in the long term while leaving some flexibility open is not always easy in practice. In addition, the charitable purpose must be realistic and meaningful.4

  • Participation: Possible ways for donors to continue to have a say in the management and use of their gift after it has been made.

  • Type of assets: Donations do not always consist only of cash or securities. They can also be real estate, precious metals, works of art, participations, licenses, etc. Within a competent consultation, we will be happy to show you the most efficient solution for your idea.

  • Taxes: It is worth looking for a suitable solution, also with regard to tax optimization, especially in international situations (donor or beneficiary abroad) or if a more complex constellation is involved (participation in companies or real estate, estates, etc.).

  • Mixed solutions: In some cases, donors are looking for an interim solution, e.g. to cover their own risks until the end of their lives. There are equally suitable solutions for this: They serve the charitable purpose and are optimized in terms of tax law at the same time.
  • Asset management: Depending on the time horizon of the charitable project, it is worthwhile to invest the assets in the best possible way so that more funds are available for the purpose. Link to asset management.
  • Project management: For solutions under its umbrella, the Limmat Foundation also offers project management. Thanks to careful project selection, monitoring as well as evaluation, an attempt is made to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of the funds used.